Boiling Mind 3.0 ブッシュマン feat. KMD『シェール 2Room』

Li, X. et al. (2025). “It’s Like Being on Stage”: Staging an Improvisational Haptic-Installed Contemporary Dance Performance. In: Kajimoto, H., et al. Haptics: Understanding Touch; Technology and Systems; Applications and Interaction. EuroHaptics 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14768. S
Phantom Walls

私たち人間は日々の生活の中で視覚から大部分の情報を得ています。そのため、視覚がない状態で周囲を知覚することはとても難しいです。 Phantom Wallsは、視覚を用いない空間知覚を実現するために音に注目して、空間的な音から体性感覚へのクロスモーダル効果を応用することで、目に見えていない壁から幻の”圧力”や”反発”のような感覚を生み出す新しい空間知覚の手法です。 Phantom Wallsではバーチャル空間に存在するスピーカーによって目に見えない壁が表現されます。複数の壁が存在していても整合性の取れた空間知覚が立ち上がるように、スピーカーの配置・音量・音のピッチに関する3 つの基本法則を構成し
Enhancing Episodic Scene Imagery by Combining Pseudo-Action and Ambient Haptic Stimuli

In the fields of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Virtual Reality (VR), there is an increasing focus on well-being. While research has underscored the potential of multimodal technologies to foster mental tranquility, the integration of scene imagery linked to nostalgic emotions remains under-in
Conversation Echo

Conversation Echo is a real-time VR space generation system that reflects the topics of conversation using generative AI. This method generates a VR environment that reflects the topic of conversation by converting voice data into text, extracting topics from the conversation, and generating panoram

Transcale is a VR experience, created using Unity and the tracking system of Meta Quest3.In this experience, the users can change the body scale smoothly while walking. By continuously modifying their perceived body scale, this interaction method provides the users to explore the virtual world from
Transformed Skin

Previous avatar experiences in VR have focused on visually changing one's appearance, and it has been difficult to create the sensation of "transforming" into an avatar at the body texture level. In this work, Transformed Skin uses a new illusion phenomenon we have discovered called "Texture Swappin
Malleable Self

The Malleable-Self Experience comprises the integration of the visual element of virtual reality (VR) with the whole-body haptic sensations of the Synesthesia X1 haptic chair. The goal is to induce a provocative experience that expands one’s understanding of the self by creating a malleable percepti
Substitutional Reality

We have developed a novel experimental platform, referred to as a substitutional reality (SR) system, for studying the conviction of the perception of live reality and related metacognitive functions. The SR system was designed to manipulate people's reality by allowing them to experience live scene
EyeHacker In this study, we introduce EyeHacker, which is an immersive virtual reality (VR) system that spatiotemporally mixes the live and recorded/edited scenes based on the measurement of the users' gaze. This system updates the transition risk in real time by ut
EMS motion induction

When human movement is assisted or controlled with a muscle actuator, such as electrical muscle stimulation, a critical issue is the integration of such induced movement with the person’s motion intention and how this movement then affects their motor control. Towards achieving optimal integration a
freeSlow: body skill transfer with reality modulation

Physical skills such as ball juggling are difficult to learn step by step because those require fast control of multiple objects simultaneously. For the step-by-step learning, we developed a system that controls the ball speed (e.g., slow motion) while reproducing realistic throws and catches, combi
SkillSapuri: Recommendar system of verbal instructions for body skills

One of the methods to acquire motor skills is to receive verbal instructions from askilled person. While they have been used in various situations, they are based on the subjective judgment of a skilled person who observes the movement of a novice. Therefore, it has not been clearly expressed how th

By adulthood, our fingers have developed a high level of dexterity: sensory and motor skills that developers have only just started to make use of in modern interfaces. Previous research has unveiled the possibilities of enhancing touch modalities by introducing visual feedback of the magnified touc
Internal Measurement

We developed Substitutional Reality (SR) System, an immersive human interface in which users experience 1) real-time events happening in their surrounding environment and 2) pre-recorded ones in indistinguishable manner. Here we discuss the relationship between the SR system and Internal Measurement
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