Sohei Wakisaka is a project assistant professor in Informational Somatics Laboratory, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technologies (RCAST), the University of Tokyo. His research interests are visual illusion, perception, psychology with virtual reality, and development of skill transfer techniques. He and his colleagues in RIKEN brain science institute developed substitutional reality system, an experimental platform for experiencing alternative reality. Ongoing research topics include development of wearable microscope, plasticity of perception with various human augmentation techniques.
For each projects, click here.
Virtual Reality, Substitutional Reality, Perception, Sense of Agency, Postdiction, Skill Transfer, Recommendar System, Haptics, Illusion, Hallucination, Computational Neuroscience
Contact Info
sohei.wakisaka + @ + gmail.com
Work Experience
2007 Visiting Researcher, RITSUMEIKAN University
2008-2011 Special Posdoc Fellow, Emergent Intelligence Laboratory, RIKEN Brain Science Institute
2017 Researcher, Adaptive Intelligence Laboratory, RIKEN Brain Science Institute
2017-2021 Project Researcher, RCAST, the University of Tokyo
2021-present Project Assistant Professor, RCAST, the University of Tokyo
researchmap link
(always updated and maybe more precise than the list below…)
- Seito Matsubara, Sohei Wakisaka, Kazuma Aoyama, Katie Seaborn, Atsushi Hiyama, and Masahiko Inami. 2020. Perceptual Simultaneity and its Modulation during EMG-Triggered Motion Induction with Electrical Muscle Stimulation. PLOS ONE. 2020. Co-first.
- Keisuke Suzuki, Sohei Wakisaka, and Naotaka. Fujii. Substitutional Reality System: A Novel Experimental Platform for Experiencing Alternative Reality. Scientific Reports, vol.2, Article Number 459. 2012. Co-first
- Yukio Pegio-Gunji, Kazuto Sasai, and Sohei Wakisaka. Abstract heterarchy: Time/state-scale re-entrant form. Biosystems, 91(1),(2008),13-33.
- Hiroto Saito, Arata Horie, Azumi Maekawa, Seito Matsubara, Sohei Wakisaka, Zendai Kashino, Shunichi Kasahara, and Masahiko Inami. 2021. Transparency in Human-Machine Mutual Action. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 33, 5: 987–1003. https://doi.org/10.20965/jrm.2021.p0987
Conference Papers
- Azumi Maekawa, Seito Matsubara, Sohei Wakisaka, Daisuke Uriu, Atsushi Hiyama, and Masahiko Inami. 2020. Dynamic Motor Skill Synthesis with Human-Machine Mutual Actuation. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–12. 2020. ONLINE.
- Noriyasu Obushi, Sohei Wakisaka, Shunichi Kasahara, Katie Seaborn, Atsushi Hiyama, and Masahiko Inami. MagniFinger: Fingertip Probe Microscope with Direct Micro Movements. In Proceedings of the 10th Augmented Human International Conference 2019 (AH2019), 32:1–32:7. 2019. LA, USA
- Noriyasu Obushi, Sohei Wakisaka, Shunichi Kasahara, Atsushi Hiyama, and Masahiko Inami. MagniFinger: magnified perception by a fingertip probe microscope. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Posters, 17:1–17:2. 2019.LA, USA
- Daichi Ito, Sohei Wakisaka, Atsushi Izumihara, Tomoya Yamaguchi, Atsushi Hiyama, and Masahiko Inami. EyeHacker: Gaze-Based Automatic Reality Manipulation. In SIGGRAPH ’19 Emerging Technologies. 2019.LA, USA. 査読ありデモ
- Daichi Ito, Sohei Wakisaka, Atsushi Izumihara, Tomoya Yamaguchi, Atsushi Hiyama, and Masahiko Inami. EyeHacker: Gaze-Based Automatic Reality Manipulation. In SIGGRAPH ’19 Emerging Technologies. 2019. LA, USA. 査読ありデモ
- Azumi Maekawa, Shota Takahashi, MHD Yamen Saraiji, Sohei Wakisaka, Hiroyasu Iwata, and Masahiko Inami. Naviarm: Augmenting the Learning of Motor Skills Using a Backpack-type Robotic Arm System. In Proceedings of the 10th Augmented Human International Conference 2019 (AH2019), 38:1–38:8. 2019. Reims, France.
- Yudai Tanaka, Sohei Wakisaka, and Masahiko Inami. A Formative Study for Record-time Manual Annotation of First-person Videos. In Proceedings of MobileHCI 2019 (Late Breaking Results). 2019. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Sohei Wakisaka, Hiyama Atsushi, and Inami Masahiko. Transmission of experiences with augmented human techniques. In UbiComp ’17: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 740–744. 2017.Hawaii, USA.
- Sohei Wakisaka, Reality Impedance Matching: a method to bridge real and virtual worlds, MANPU: 2nd International Workshop on coMics Analysis, Processing and Understanding. 2017.Kyoto, JAPAN.
- Sohei Wakisaka. Reality substitution techniques generate rare temporal illusions. Time in Tokyo Posters. 2016. Tokyo, Japan.
- Kevin Fan, Yuta Sugiura, Kouta Minamizawa, Sohei Wakisaka, Masahiko Inami, and Naotaka Fujii. Ubiquitous substitutional reality: Re-experiencing the past in immersion. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Posters. 2014. Vancouver, Canada.
- Kevin Fan, Hideyuki Izumi, Yuta Sugiura, Kouta Minamizawa, Sohei Wakisaka, Masahiko Inami, Naotaka Fujii, and Susumu Tachi. Reality jockey: lifting the barrier between alternate realities through audio and haptic feedback. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2013. 2013.Paris, France.
- Yukio PegioGunji, Tomoko Sakiyama, Sohei Wakisaka, Naotaka Fujii, and Tomoaki Nakamura. Artificial Causal Space Time, Advances in Artificial Life. In Proceedings of ECAL 2013. 2013.Taormina, Italy.
- Tom Froese, Keisuke Suzuki, Sohei Wakisaka, Yuta Ogai, and Takashi Ikegami. From Artificial Life to Artificial Embodiment: Using human-computer interfaces to investigate the embodied mind ‘as-it-could-be’ from the first-person perspective. In Proceedings of AISB’11: Computing & Philosophy. York, UK: Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behavior, 43-50. 2011.York, UK.
- Sohei Wakisaka, Keisuke Suzuki, and Naotaka Fujii. Substitutional Reality and Déjà vu Experience. In Proceedings of the annual meeting of society for neuroscience. 2011.Washington DC, USA.
- Sohei Wakisaka, Keisuke Suzuki, and Naotaka Fujii. Reality Substitution Platform and its Application to Research on Déjà Vu Experience. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Association of the Scientific Study of Consciousness. 2010.Kyoto, Japan.
- Keisuke Suzuki, Sohei Wakisaka, and Naotaka Fujii. The experimental induction of autoscopic phenomenon with virtual reality. In The proceedings of 40th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience. 2010.San Diego, USA.
- Sohei Wakisaka, Keiichi Kitajo, Yoko Yamaguchi. New interocular transfer and illusory conjunction during binocular rivalry. Neuroscience Research Volume 65, Supplement 1. 2009.
- Sohei Wakisaka, Yukio-Pegio Gunji, Hiroyuki Ohta, Keiichi Kitajo, Yoko Yamaguchi. Binocular rivalry between patterns and visual noises: way to `see’ your spontaneous activity in the early visual system by yourself. In Proceedings of European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP). 2008.Utrecht, Netherland.
- Sohei Wakisaka, Yukio Gunji, Hiroyuki Ohta. Lateral Interaction Between Noise and Pattern in the Visual System. In Proceedings of the 15th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP). 2007. Marseille, France.
- Sohei Wakisaka, Yukio Gunji, Hiroyuki Ohta. New Visual Illusion by Mutual Interactions Between “Noise” and “Pattern” in Visual System. In Proceedings of the 15th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology. 2007. Marseille, France.
- Sohei Wakisaka. Interaction between noise and pattern in vision. Neuroscience Research. Volume 58, Supplement 1, 2007.
- Sohei Wakisaka, Yukio Pegio-Gunji. Vision under One Eyelid. In The 6th International Workshop on Emergent Synthesis proceedings. 2006.Chiba, Japan.
- Sohei Wakisaka, Yukio Pegio-Gunji. Proposal on Constructive Way of Anticipation in Cognition. In Computing anticipatory systems: CASYS’05 proceedings. 2005. Liege, Belgium.
- Sohei Wakisaka, Yukio Pegio-Gunji. Decomposable Anorthoscopic Perception: Preliminary Illusional Experiments toward the Understanding of Autistic Savant’s Type Cognition. In Toward a Science of Consciousness 2004 proceedings. 2004.Arizona, USA.
- Sohei Wakisaka, Yukio Pegio-Gunji. Dynamics of Type Cognition as the Interaction between Groundless Decomposition and Composition. In Dynamic Ontology 2004 proceedings. 2004. Trento, Italy.
- Sohei Wakisaka, Yukio Pegio-Gunji. A New Kind of Type Cognition and its Dynamics. In Computing anticipatory systems: CASYS’03 proceedings. 2003. Liege, Belgium.
3.Invited Talks
- Sohei Wakisaka, Reality Impedance Matching: a method to bridge real and virtual worlds, MANPU: 2nd International Workshop on coMics Analysis, Processing and Understanding. 2017.Kyoto, JAPAN.
- 脇坂崇平, 藤井直敬. 代替現実システムにおける臨場感と現実感. 高臨場感ディスプレイフォーラム予稿集. 2012.
- 原口純也, 脇坂崇平, Balandra Alfonso, 前川和純, 堀江新, 佐々木智也, 檜山敦, 長谷川晶一, 稲見昌彦.ジャグリングにおけるスロー・キャッチ動作学習支援のための時間軸を操作可能な力触覚提示VRシステムの提案. 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門2020予稿集. 2020.
- 岡本直樹, 廣瀬雅治,脇坂崇平,齊藤寛人,泉原厚史,稲見昌彦. 重心移動を用いた手部身体の変形システムの検討. 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門2020予稿集. 2020.
- 村本剛毅, 齊藤寛人, 脇坂崇平, 笠原俊一, 稲見昌彦. リアルタイムとスローモーションを共存させるインタフェース. 第25回 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会予稿集. 2020. [学術奨励賞]
- 髙原慧一, 脇坂崇平, 荒川陸, 檜山敦, 稲見昌彦. 経験バンクに基づくジャグリング学習支援システムの提案.エンタテインメントコンピューティングシンポジウム2020論文集. 2020.
- 川崎 仁史, 脇坂 崇平, 笠原 俊一, 齊藤 寛人, 原口 純也, 登嶋 健太, 稲見 昌彦. けん玉できた!VR:5分間程度のVRトレーニングによってけん玉の技の習得を支援するシステム. エンタテインメントコンピューティングシンポジウム2020論文集. 2020. [最優秀論文賞・ベストビデオ賞]
- 前川和純, 松原晟都, 脇坂崇平, 瓜生大輔, 檜山敦, 稲見昌彦. 投擲運動を実現する人間機械協調動作システムの開発. ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集. 2020.
- 佐々木智也,齊藤寛人,脇坂崇平,檜山敦,稲見昌彦. 足の動作に連動するバーチャルハンドを用いた身体認知の研究. 第24回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集. 2019.
- 大伏仙泰,廣瀬雅治,脇坂崇平,笠原俊, 檜山敦, 稲見昌彦. 微細環境下で感覚・運動機能を拡張するための指先装着型デバイス. 第24回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会論文集. 2019.
- 前川和純, 高橋翔太, MHD Yamen Saraiji, 脇坂崇平, 岩田浩康, 稲見昌彦. 装着型ロボットアームを用いたパフォーマンス習得支援システム. ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集. 2019.
- 芹沢信也, 脇坂崇平, 泉原厚史, 高原慧一, 檜山敦, 稲見昌彦. Style Transferred Reality : 画風変換による絵画世界VR没入システムの構築. 第23回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会予稿集. 2018.
- 崎山恵美理, 檜山敦, 脇坂崇平, 泉原厚史, 稲見昌彦. ポイントクラウドからの骨盤角度計測に関する研究. 人工知能学会大会予稿集. 2018.
- 松原晟都, 脇坂崇平, 青山一真, 檜山敦, 稲見昌彦. 筋電位と連動した筋電気刺激によるモーションインダクション. 第23回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会予稿集. 2018.
- 泉原厚史, 川原田美雪, 脇坂崇平, 星貴之, 檜山敦, 稲見昌彦. 光学迷彩における撮影系・投影系の共役配置. 第22回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会予稿集. 2017.
- 脇坂崇平. 内部観測x SR 第24回計測自動制御学会SI部門共創システム部会研究会. 2013.
- 脇坂崇平. 内部観測体験装置としてのSR システム. 2013年度人工知能学会全国大会予稿集. 2013.
- 藤井直敬, 脇坂崇平. SRシステム: これまでにない新しい体験プラットフォームの可能性を探る. CEDEC2013. 2013. [インタラクション部門second prize受賞]
- 脇坂崇平,石黒祥生,上野道彦,樋口啓太,FAN Szu-Wen,泉秀幸,南澤孝太,杉浦裕太,稲見昌彦,藤井直敬. 第2世代・代替現実(SR)システム. 第17回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会発表予稿集. 2012. [学術奨励賞]
- 泉秀幸,ファンケビン,渡島健太,杉浦裕太,南澤孝太,脇坂崇平,稲見昌彦,舘暲. Reality Jockey:聴覚情報を主体としたSubstitutional Reality System を用いた会話型システムの提案. エンタテインメントコンピューティング. 2012.
- Kevin Fan, Hideyuki Izumi, Yuta Sugiura, Kouta Minamizawa, Sohei Wakisaka, Masahiko Inami, Naotaka Fujii, and Susumu Tachi. To Confuse the Perception of Reality through Mixing the Past with Audio and Haptic Feedback. In Proceedings of the 17th annual conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan. 2012.
- 脇坂崇平. 代替現実システムとその認知心理実験装置としての応用. 第7回犬山比較社会認知シンポジウム予稿集. 2012.
- 鈴木啓介, 脇坂崇平, 藤井直敬. 代替現実:「いま・ここ」を体験するVRシステム. Interaction 2011発表予稿集. 2011. [優秀発表賞]
- 脇坂崇平, 鈴木啓介. 代替現実システム. 第二回内部観測研究会. 2011.
- 脇坂崇平. 魔術的相関と仮説形成. 科学基礎論学会2009年度総会と講演会予稿集. 2009.
- 脇坂崇平. 認知科学と循環論法. 科学基礎論学会2009年度総会と講演会予稿集. 2009
- Sohei Wakisaka. Vision under One Eyelid. Random noise is not random in our visual system! ~A report of a novel visual phenomenon~ RIKEN BSI Retreat. 2008. [Best Poster Presentation Award]
- 脇坂崇平, 郡司ペギオ幸夫. 単眼遮蔽により生起される擬似的内視現象に関する実験及び考察. 日本認知科学会大会発表論文集. 2006.
- 脇坂崇平, 郡司ペギオ幸夫. 錯視実験を用いたサヴァン的認知に関する考察とモデル. 生物物理/43巻 (2003) supplement号. 2003.
- 脇坂崇平, 郡司ペギオ幸夫. スリット視を用いた視覚実験による新たな知覚タイプの出現. 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門2003 予稿集. 2003.
- 津田宗一郎, 脇坂崇平, 郡司幸夫. 粘菌による論理回路の開発. 計測自動制御学会・自律分散システムシンポジウムSICE Symposium on Decentralized Autonomous Systems 14, 277-281, 2002-01-25. 2002.
- 脇坂崇平, 高次元脳会議#2「高次元知覚の作り方」
- 脇坂崇平, 三宅陽一郎, 竹内ゆうすけ. クロスボーダー「AI×認知科学」. CEDEC2013.2013
- 脇坂崇平, 研究報告「現実と仮想の狭間における認知・身体性・アート」. PKTフォーラム. 2013.
(2)展示等 ※一部前掲済・重複有
- Daichi Ito, Sohei Wakisaka, Atsushi Izumihara, Tomoya Yamaguchi, Atsushi Hiyama, and Masahiko Inami. EyeHacker: Gaze-Based Automatic Reality Manipulation. In SIGGRAPH ’19 Emerging Technologies. 2019.(査読ありデモ)
- Noriyasu Obushi, Sohei Wakisaka, Shunichi Kasahara, Atsushi Hiyama, and Masahiko Inami. MagniFinger: fingertip-mounted microscope for augmenting human perception. In SIGGRAPH ’19 Emerging Technologies, 2:1–2:2. 2019. (査読ありデモ)
- 代替現実システムTEPIA先端技術館常設展示. システム開発・演出・運用全般. 2016.
- 代替現実システムTEPIA先端技術館常設展示. システム開発・演出・運用全般. 2016.
- ARS ELECTRONICA 「Mirage」公演. システム開発・演出・運用全般. 平成25年度第Ⅱ期東京芸術文化創造発信助成. 2014.Linz, Austria.
- 東京ゲームショー「SONY没入快感研究所」. システム開発・演出・運用全般. 2012
- 日本科学未来館・理化学研究所共催イベント「Mirage」公演. システム開発・演出・運用全般. 2012.
代替現実システム制御装置, 代替現実システム, 代替現実システム制御方法, プログラム, および記録媒体(特願2012-1S1114)(取得) (筆頭)